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Communauté de production artistique

Fondée en 2016 – Paris–Guebwiller


Sensible à l’historicité des lieux et des savoir-faire, Équipe Créative s’engage auprès de structures locales, d’artistes, d’artisans et de créateurs. En ce sens, elle s’attache à valoriser la technicité de personnes dont les métiers s’inscrivent dans des territoires et des temporalités propres.


Pour toute demande de collaboration, d'initiatives mettant à l'honneur les formes marginales d'expressions artistiques et les savoir-faire traditionnels, pour toute demande d'adhésion :






© EC 2024 – Tous droits réservés


Our EXPERIENCE series brings together a series of musical performances exploring the specific sonorities of an artistic or craft skill. Each episode offers an audiovisual experience revisiting these sonic data around a set of electronic music associated with a cinematographic production.

Based on a collaborative artistic project between Équipe Créative and the Fondation de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame de Strasbourg, this intimate  audiovisual experience invites to plunge into the heart of the Cathedral’s workshops. Through a musical performance exploring the Cathedral’s historic conservation and restoration process, artist Thibault Mechler meticulously revisits the soundscape of the workshops and the work of the craftsmen.

Composed from sound recordings taken directly on site, the sounds of stonemasons at work are transcribed in an experimental set of electronic music, built around a selection of exclusive visuals from this highly symbolic site. Shots and sounds echo each other, creating a dialogue between the craftsmen’s technical skills and the clatter of their tools against the raw material. This musical transposition leads to an immersive experience that places age-old traditions at the heart of the project, bringing contemporaneity into a timeless heritage.

Artist : Thibault Mechler
Project coordinator : Victor Merlet
Director of film : Antonin Mechler
Camera and lighting : Antonin Mechler, Gwenaël Boque, Valérian Paleo
Editing : Juliana Zepka
Communication : Daniela Zepka
Production : Eve Nehlig, Daniela Zepka, Thomas Costa, Thomas Grandjean, Stefan Marmillod, Raphaël Mercuri
Site specific recordings : Eve Nehlig
Mastering : Yo Scheppert
Partnerships : Fondation de l’Œuvre Notre-Dame de Strasbourg – Cathedral Labs

© EQUIPE CREATIVE 2022-2023.